For Non Supported DJB Automation System Clientele
For DJB Zone, DJB Radio, DJB Studio Systems
Pre-Paid Phone & Web Dialup Support is Available.
Please read details below for Support access.
- Please make certain you have made a back-up copy of your DJB Radio Software installer(s) OnAir & Production Suite & Accessory applications.
- DJB Radio does not maintain copies of your installed software release after new updates are released.
- Please make certain you have your software ID & passwords for reinstallation
- Without a current paid Support Plan, DJB Support is offered at a current rate of $150.00 per hour USD, paid in advance.
- Prepayment can be made before or after calling at this secure website link
- DJB Support may request more hourly prepay for costs based on the type of issue(s) reported.
- Support calls are accepted by DJB Support during weekday office hours at 702-487-3336 ext 2 Mon-Fri 9-5 EST/EDT
- After hours or weekend emergency calls are not accepted nor serviced.
- Penalty of $250.00 is assessed for emergency calls after hours no exceptions.
- DJB Technical uses TeamViewer exclusively for remote access of your workstations.